Cargo Stretchhose | unisex
No. 0914
Error executing template "Designs/identity_v2/ecom/product/partials/prices.cshtml" System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_d0cbabc7bbf04d849ee785cf0cebdc91.Execute() in D:\\Solutions\\Files\Templates\Designs\identity_v2\ecom\product\partials\prices.cshtml:line 15 at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader) at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag) at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer) at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter) at Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template) at Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template) at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()
1 @using Co3.Espresso.Base.Extensions 2 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Settings 3 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Services 4 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Helpers 5 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Users 6 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend 7 @using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement 8 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce.IdentityProduct> 9 10 @{ 11 ShopType shopContext = SiteContext.CurrentSiteContext(); 12 User currentUser = PageView.Current().User; 13 bool isCustomerShop = (PageView.Current().Area.Item["IsCustomerShop"] != null && (bool) PageView.Current().Area.Item["IsCustomerShop"] == true); 14 string discountGroup = currentUser != null ? currentUser.GetCustomFieldValue<string>("DiscountGroup") : string.Empty; 15 bool showPrices = !isCustomerShop || (isCustomerShop && UserContext.Current.CustomerShop.Settings.ShowPrices == true); 16 } 17 18 @if (shopContext == ShopType.B2B && string.IsNullOrEmpty(discountGroup) == false && Model.ListPrices != null && Model.ListPrices.Any()) 19 { 20 <p class="m-b-2 e-product-price "> 21 22 @if (SiteContext.ShowPrices()) 23 { 24 <span class="h2 text-primary"> 25 <span class="font-weight-bold js-e-price"> 26 @Model.Price.Formatted 27 </span> 28 </span> 29 30 <span class="text-muted small id-product-details-list-price ml-1"> 31 <span class="small"> 32 ( 33 @Translate("Product List Price - Text", "Listepris") 34 <span class="js-e-product-listprice"> 35 @PriceService.Instance.GetPrice(new PriceSettings() 36 { 37 Value = Model.ListPrices.FirstOrDefault()?.Amount 38 }) 39 </span> 40 ) 41 </span> 42 </span> 43 } 44 else 45 { 46 <span class="text-muted"> 47 @Translate("Product List Price - Text", "Listepris") 48 <span class="js-e-product-listprice"> 49 @PriceService.Instance.GetPrice(new PriceSettings() 50 { 51 Value = Model.ListPrices.FirstOrDefault()?.Amount 52 }) 53 </span> 54 </span> 55 } 56 </p> 57 } 58 59 60 @if (shopContext == ShopType.B2C) 61 { 62 <p class="e-product-price mb-1 mt-0"> 63 <span class="h2 font-weight-bold text-primary mr-1">@Model.Price.Format()</span> 64 <span class="font-family-headings font-weight-semibold small text-muted"> 65 <small>(@Model.PriceWithoutVat.Formatted @Translate("Ecom - Price without VAT - text", "ekskl. moms"))</small> 66 </span> 67 </p> 68 } 69 70 @if (shopContext == ShopType.CustomerShop) 71 { 72 <p class="e-product-price mb-1 mt-0 @(showPrices == false ? "hidden-price" : string.Empty)"> 73 <span class="h2 font-weight-bold text-primary">@Model.Price.Format()</span> 74 <span class="font-family-headings font-weight-semibold small text-muted"> 75 <small>(@Translate("Ecom - Price without VAT - text", "ekskl. moms"))</small> 76 </span> 77 </p> 78 }
Lassige Cargo-Stretchhosen aus leichtem und bequemem Material. Der Bund hat ein elastisches Band und einen au8eren Kordelzug fur erhohten Komfort und Flexibilitat. Eine praktische ...Mehr anzeigen
Lassige Cargo-Stretchhosen aus leichtem und bequemem Material. Der Bund hat ein elastisches Band und einen au8eren Kordelzug fur erhohten Komfort und Flexibilitat. Eine praktische Schlaufe am Bund bietet Platz fur Schlussel oder Karten. Die Hasen haben Seitentaschen und Oberschenkeltaschen mit Klettverschluss. Die Passform ist regular.
ID® Ansvarlighedsrapport 2023/2024 Redegørelse for samfundsansvar, jf. årsregnskabslovens § 99 a". Se her